ARS ASSESSMENT PRIVATE LIMITED Policy laid down by its top Management is below:
- ARS ASSESSMENT PRIVATE LIMITED is committed to provide an independent, impartial and effective management system certification as required to all its clients and the Accreditation Board requirements.
- Our quality service culture is characterized by client focus and continuous improvement in all we do:
- The delivery of quality service shall be the focus of everyone at ARS ASSESSMENT PRIVATE LIMITED. As we achieve success in the long term pursuit of quality, our people will strive to:
- Meet client needs and exceed client expectations
- Respond fast to rapid changes in the business environment and changing client needs.
- To ensure continuing success of the quality initiative, our leadership will:
- Maintain an absolute, proactive and long term commitment to client focussed, continuous service improvement.
- We formulated an Impartiality committee for ensuring strict adherence to laid down impartiality norms and for reviewing of the norms on a time to time basis.
- By setting quality objectives in all spheres of activities.
- The Directors, Management, Staff and Sub Contractors of ARS ASSESSMENT PRIVATE LIMITED are fully committed to providing all our clients and potential clients with a service that fully meets their requirements.
- The certification process will ensure that all audits and certification decisions are conducted in accordance with the requirements of the relevant standard and the Accreditation Board requirements.
- We will ensure that a professional service will be offered to clients through the use of trained, experienced and competent audit and support staff.
- ARS ASSESSMENT PRIVATE LIMITED will continually seek to improve the services it offers and will do so through acting upon client’s feedback, regular internal and external audits, reviews of reports, reviews of staff, management review meetings and management meetings.
- ARS ASSESSMENT PRIVATE LIMITED is committed to quick response of any complains and appeal registered by external and internal client.
- ARS ASSESSMENT PRIVATE LIMITED ensures that its services are available to all its clients and these services are not based on undue financial or any other consideration. ARS ASSESSMENT PRIVATE LIMITED ensures that all its procedures /guidelines operate in a non discriminatory manner.”